Refunds and returns

Refunds and returns


To request a refund due to order issues, you must make your request within 7 days of delivery.

Let us know as soon as possible if your order—

  • Is missing items that you were charged for on the final receipt
  • Contains damaged, spoiled, or otherwise unusable items

Refunds are processed immediately, but it may take 5-10 business days to see the funds in your bank or credit card account, depending on your bank. You won’t see refunds in your GroceryList account.

You can see any GroceryList credits in the Credits, promos & gift cards section of your GroceryList account. Credits will automatically apply during checkout on your next order.

Note: Refunds are subject to certain conditions.


The return will be subject to the store’s return policies, which vary by retailer.

Please note— Select retailers allow you to return an item with your digital GroceryList receipt.

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