
Tips are optional but a great way to show your shoppers appreciation and recognition for their excellent service. 100% of your tip goes directly to the shopper delivering your order. 

The default tip is 5% or the percentage you chose for your most recent order, whichever is higher. There is a minimum suggested tip of $2 per individual store delivery. 

You can modify the tip while placing an order and up to 24 hours after receiving your delivery.

To add a tip during checkout—

On the websiteIn-app
At checkout, continue to the Say thanks with a tip page choose your tip amount, and click Place orderTap Go to Checkout and scroll down to Delivery Tip. Tap Change. Select the amount you’d like to tip and tap Save Tip.

To add or modify a tip after delivery—

On the websiteIn-app
At the top left, click the 3 horizontal lines Click Your OrdersClick View order detail on the relevant order at the top of the order page, click Rate order after rating the order, update the tipTap the 3 horizontal lines in the upper left-hand corner. Tap Your orders. Tap your recent order. Tap Rate and tip. Select the tip amount.

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